SBRC Zootie
Club Zooties are ordered directly from Simply Oarsome via the link below.
After orders have been placed online, Simply Oarsome will provide a quote via email for payment. On receipt of payment, Simply Oarsome will commence the production of the order, You can choose to collect or pay for postage.
Zoot suit fabric options that are on offer by Simply Oarsome are below. If required, club members can help you with choosing the options that best suits you.
Contact Simply Oarsome via their online form or by phone ((03) 63621133) for a quote and up-to-date pricing information.
Definitions & Options
FULLY SUBLIMATION PRINTED SUIT – The entire rowing suit design including the green bottom half is sublimation printed on to white lycra fabric. There is no waist seam and requires a “transverse crotch” which goes up and around the inside of the legs, rather than the traditional crotch seam which goes up the front of the suit and joins into a waist seam.
HALF SUBLIMATED SUIT – Only the top half of the rowing suit is sublimation printed and therfore requires a waist seam (SBRC design is V shaped). The bottom half of the rowing suit is made from plain dyed green sorbtek lycra. For the bottom half you can have the traditional crotch or the transverse crotch.
DOUBLE LAYER SEAT, CHEST OR WHOLE SHORTS OPTIONS – As these parts can’t be seen, they don’t need to be sublimation printed so Simply Oarsome will use either white or bottle green plain dyed fabric for double layer seat or whole shorts, and white swimwear lining for the double layer chest. Normally when they do a double layer chest on a fully sublimated rowing suit, the bottom of the double layer part is attached by a line of cover stitching (looks like flat locking) that can be seen on the front of the suit. This usually looks fine on suit designs that have one colour in the suit top where the stitching is sewn across the front. The SBRC suit has white, maroon and bottle V’s that go deep on the front of the suit which means that whatever colour the cover stitching is it will not blend in with all of the colours. For this reason, it is recommended that if you want the double layer options order the plain dyed sorbtek lycra bottoms. The double layer chest is then just cut the same as the front top panel and joins into the waist seam.
SHORTS - Simply Oarsome can sublimation print the shorts however the cost is lower to have them made in the matching green shade in the plain dyed sorbtek lycra.
SINGLETS - will be fully sublimation printed.